Testimonial: "Things are going well here and Radek is working out nicely as part of our Implementation Team. Thank you for connecting us." - Software Development Manager, GIS Solution Company


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Our job seekers know themselves, but do they know you?

A survey of our audience shows that the vast majority define themselves as being ‘geographers’ or in a field they consider very close to geography. However, they may not know that your organization values their particular education & experience and have job vacancies meant almost exclusively for them.

By posting your jobs on GeographyJobs.co.uk, your company logo is placed into rotation on our homepage as a featured employer - FREE. From here job seekers can click your logo to see your active job postings or your company profile.

This is a great way to extend your organization's brand to our unique audience of job seekers and to provide increased exposure for your vacancies at no added cost. It’s another way we give better value for your vacancy marketing investment.

What areas of work interest our audience?

Urban, Transport & Emergency Planning • Regeneration & Economic Development • Housing

GIS • Remote Sensing • Spatial Analysis • The Environment • Education & Academia

Show that your organization values their education and experience.

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Targeted Vacancy Marketing:

  • Market to candidates in the way they define themselves, by education, experience & job interest.

Job Seeker Demographics:

  • 74% prefer niche job sites.
  • 85% post secondary degree or higher.
  • 100% are interested in our job focus.

How we reach relevant job seekers:

  • Matching job seekers immediately receive your posting by email or RSS.
  • Great search engine rankings for the search terms most relevant to our job categories.
  • Our site XML feeds automatically post your jobs in career portals increasing the exposure of your ads.

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