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For Employers

GeographyJobs.co.uk job postings features

Every 60-day posting on GeographyJobs.co.uk has the following options included:

Map the job location

  • Is your job in a great location? This is a selling point for your vacancy.
    Market it visually to job seekers by simply entering the address as prompted.

Interactive closing dates

  • Minimize time lost in taking down old ads and dealing with applications and application inquiries that arrive past your deadline.
  • Clearly and easily display application deadlines to candidates with 2 clicks.
  • Once the deadline passes, we automatically highlight this to job seekers and remove "apply now" buttons (when applicable) from the ad while the ad remains published as a reference for those that have already applied.

Edit your job postings for FREE in real-time

  • If you need to change a crucial part of your ad or even extend the deadline of your closing date, you can do so quickly at no added cost.

Accept applications your way

  • Link applicants to your recruitment site, vacancy page or portal.
  • Or, direct applicants to your email or through our online application system.

Create quizzes to help qualify applicants

  • When you select GeographyJobs.co.uk to accept your applications, you can easily create quizzes to better qualify applicants for your vacancies.
  • Results can be viewed & sorted in your applicant management area.

Post a single a job for only

Save with bulk posts from

£79 £59 each
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Job Seekers Click Here

Targeted Vacancy Marketing:

  • Market to candidates in the way they define themselves, by education, experience & job interest.

Job Seeker Demographics:

  • 74% prefer niche job sites.
  • 85% post secondary degree or higher.
  • 100% are interested in our job focus.

How we reach relevant job seekers:

  • Matching job seekers immediately receive your posting by email or RSS.
  • Great search engine rankings for the search terms most relevant to our job categories.
  • Our site XML feeds automatically post your jobs in career portals increasing the exposure of your ads.

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